Pagination Examples#

Here are few examples of pagination with nextcord-ext-menus.

The built-in pagination classes (MenuPages and ButtonMenuPages) handle splitting data into pages, sending the initial message, timeout actions, and button actions for first page, previous page, next page, last page, and stop all for you.

The examples below are for button pagination. If you want to use reaction menus, you can simply replace the ButtonMenuPages with MenuPages and replace parameters such as clear_buttons_after and disable_buttons_after with clear_reactions_after.

Basic Pagination#

In this example, we’ll create a button pagination menu that shows items in a message for each page.

To get started, we will need a PageSource object that will define how many list items to show on each page, and how to display them. In the example below, ListPageSource is subclassed to provide these details: per_page is set to 4 to show four items per page and format_page is defined to display a given four entries in a message, each on a separate line.

All that is left is instantiating and starting the menu.

We will use the basic pagination class ButtonMenuPages to handle the pagination and pass it the page source which holds our list of entries as the source parameter. We can optionally pass additional parameters such as the button style and any parameters supported by ButtonMenu. Then we can start the menu by calling pages.start().

from nextcord.ext import commands, menus

bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix="$")

class MyPageSource(menus.ListPageSource):
    def __init__(self, data):
        # this is where you can set how many items you want per page
        super().__init__(data, per_page=4)

    async def format_page(self, menu, entries):
        # this is where you can format the entries for the page
        return "\n".join(entries)

async def pages_example(ctx):
    data = ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J"]
    pages = menus.ButtonMenuPages(
    await pages.start(ctx)'token')

Paginated Embeds Using Fields#

In this example, we will be creating an embed with fields instead of showing the entries in message content.

Since fields have a name and value, the data we pass into the PageSource is a list of tuples. The first item in the tuple is the name and the second is the value. If you do not want to be restricted to having a name and value for each item, you can use the embed description as shown in the example that follows this one.

The entries argument in format_page will also be a list of tuples now, so we can iterate over the entries and create a field for each using entry[0] and entry[1] as the name and value respectively.

The return value of format_page is a nextcord.Embed which will appear in the message when the page is shown.

class MyEmbedFieldPageSource(menus.ListPageSource):
    def __init__(self, data):
        super().__init__(data, per_page=4)

    async def format_page(self, menu, entries):
        embed = nextcord.Embed(title="Entries")
        for entry in entries:
            embed.add_field(name=entry[0], value=entry[1], inline=True)
        embed.set_footer(text=f'Page {menu.current_page + 1}/{self.get_max_pages()}')
        return embed

async def button_embed_field(ctx):
    fields = [
        ("Black", "#000000"),
        ("Blue", "#0000FF"),
        ("Brown", "#A52A2A"),
        ("Green", "#00FF00"),
        ("Grey", "#808080"),
        ("Orange", "#FFA500"),
        ("Pink", "#FFC0CB"),
        ("Purple", "#800080"),
        ("Red", "#FF0000"),
        ("White", "#FFFFFF"),
        ("Yellow", "#FFFF00"),
    pages = menus.ButtonMenuPages(
    await pages.start(ctx)

Paginated Embeds Using Descriptions#

In this example, we will use the embed description to show entries.

data is a list of strings, so we can join entries with "\n" to create the description.

class MyEmbedDescriptionPageSource(menus.ListPageSource):
    def __init__(self, data):
        super().__init__(data, per_page=6)

    async def format_page(self, menu, entries):
        embed = Embed(title="Entries", description="\n".join(entries))
        embed.set_footer(text=f'Page {menu.current_page + 1}/{self.get_max_pages()}')
        return embed

async def button_embed_description(ctx):
    data = [f'Description for entry #{num}' for num in range(1, 51)]
    pages = menus.ButtonMenuPages(
    await pages.start(ctx)

Change Button Colors#

When instantiating a ButtonMenuPages object, you can pass a style parameter to change the color of the buttons. You may choose from any ButtonStyle supported by Discord. These are: primary (blurple), secondary (gray), success (green), and danger (red).

async def button_style(ctx):
    data = ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J"]
    pages = menus.ButtonMenuPages(
    await pages.start(ctx)

Custom Emojis#

To use custom emojis in pagination, you can subclass ButtonMenuPages and override the FIRST_PAGE, PREVIOUS_PAGE, NEXT_PAGE. LAST_PAGE, and STOP attributes.

Then, when instantiating the menu, you will use your custom class’s name in place of menus.ButtonMenuPages.

class CustomButtonMenuPages(menus.ButtonMenuPages):

    FIRST_PAGE = "<:pagefirst:899973860772962344>"
    PREVIOUS_PAGE = "<:pageprev:899973860965888010>"
    NEXT_PAGE = "<:pagenext:899973860840050728>"
    LAST_PAGE = "<:pagelast:899973860810694686>"
    STOP = "<:stop:899973861444042782>"

async def custom_buttons(ctx):
    data = ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J"]
    pages = CustomButtonMenuPages(source=MySource(data))
    await pages.start(ctx)

Remove Stop Button#

Adding inherit_buttons=False as shown below will allow you to customize the buttons that get displayed in the menu.

You can choose to leave out any of the buttons or add custom labels and styles using the respective parameters to MenuPaginationButton.

In the example below, we will remove the stop button by adding only the other four buttons.

class NoStopButtonMenuPages(menus.ButtonMenuPages, inherit_buttons=False):
    This class overrides the default ButtonMenuPages without inheriting the buttons
    by setting inherit_buttons to False.

    This allows us to add our own buttons with custom labels, styles, or even callbacks.

    def __init__(self, source, timeout=60):
        super().__init__(source, timeout=timeout)

        # Add the buttons we want

        # Disable buttons that are unavailable to be pressed at the start

async def removed_buttons(ctx):
    data = ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J"]
    pages = NoStopButtonMenuPages(source=MySource(data))
    await pages.start(ctx)


GroupByPageSource is an alternative to ListPageSource that allows you to group entries into multiple sublists similar to itertools.groupby(). Only entries having the same group key will be displayed together on a single page. In the example below, there are three keys: test, other, and okay. Entries will be paginated within each group, but when all entries from a group have been displayed, the next group will only start on the next page.

class Test:
    def __init__(self, key, value):
        self.key = key
        self.value = value

data = [
    Test(key=key, value=value)
    for key in ['test', 'other', 'okay']
    for value in range(20)

class Source(menus.GroupByPageSource):
    async def format_page(self, menu, entry):
        joined = '\n'.join(f'{i}. <Test value={v.value}>' for i, v in enumerate(entry.items, start=1))
        return f'**{entry.key}**\n{joined}\nPage {menu.current_page + 1}/{self.get_max_pages()}'

async def group_by_page_source_example(ctx):
    pages = menus.ButtonMenuPages(
        source=Source(data, key=lambda t: t.key, per_page=12),
    await pages.start(ctx)


Another way to paginate is to use an AsyncIteratorPageSource which works with async iterators for lazy fetching of data. This is useful when you have a large amount of data to paginate and you don’t want to load all of it into memory.

Instead of a list of data, you pass a generator that yields entries as they are needed.

class Test:
    def __init__(self, value):
        self.value = value

    def __repr__(self):
        return f'<Test value={self.value}>'

async def generate(number):
    for i in range(number):
        yield Test(i)

class Source(menus.AsyncIteratorPageSource):
    def __init__(self):
        super().__init__(generate(9), per_page=4)

    async def format_page(self, menu, entries):
        start = menu.current_page * self.per_page
        return f'\n'.join(f'{i}. {v!r}' for i, v in enumerate(entries, start=start))

async def async_iterator_page_source_example(ctx):
    pages = menus.ButtonMenuPages(source=Source())
    await pages.start(ctx)

Pagination + Select Menus#

To add additional UI components to the pagination, you can subclass ButtonMenuPages with inherit_buttons=False and add the buttons you want along with other components such as a Select Menu.

See Nextcord’s dropdown example for an example on how to create a Select Menu.

class SelectButtonMenuPages(menus.ButtonMenuPages, inherit_buttons=False):
    def __init__(self, source: menus.PageSource, timeout: int = 60):
        super().__init__(source, timeout=timeout, disable_buttons_after=True)

async def button_select_pages(ctx):
    data = ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J"]
    pages = SelectButtonMenuPages(source=MySource(data))
    await pages.start(ctx)

Paginated Help Command Cog#

Here is an example of a paginated help command with nextcord-ext-menus.

It can be loaded as an extension just as any other Cog.

For more details on how this can be used, check out this useful gist.

from typing import List, Tuple

import nextcord
from nextcord.ext import commands, menus

class HelpPageSource(menus.ListPageSource):
    """Page source for dividing the list of tuples into pages and displaying them in embeds"""

    def __init__(self, help_command: "NewHelpCommand", data: List[Tuple[str, str]]):
        self._help_command = help_command
        # you can set here how many items to display per page
        super().__init__(data, per_page=2)

    async def format_page(self, menu: menus.ButtonMenuPages, entries: List[Tuple[str, str]]):
        Returns an embed containing the entries for the current page
        prefix = self._help_command.context.clean_prefix
        invoked_with = self._help_command.invoked_with
        # create embed
        embed = nextcord.Embed(title="Bot Commands", colour=self._help_command.COLOUR)
        embed.description = (
            f'Use "{prefix}{invoked_with} command" for more info on a command.\n'
            f'Use "{prefix}{invoked_with} category" for more info on a category.'
        # add the entries to the embed
        for entry in entries:
            embed.add_field(name=entry[0], value=entry[1], inline=True)
        # set the footer to display the page number
        embed.set_footer(text=f'Page {menu.current_page + 1}/{self.get_max_pages()}')
        return embed

class HelpButtonMenuPages(menus.ButtonMenuPages):
    """Subclass of ButtonMenuPages to add an interaction_check"""

    def __init__(self, ctx: commands.Context, **kwargs):
        self._ctx = ctx

    async def interaction_check(self, interaction: nextcord.Interaction) -> bool:
        """Ensure that the user of the button is the one who called the help command"""
        return == interaction.user

class NewHelpCommand(commands.MinimalHelpCommand):
    """Custom help command override using embeds and button pagination"""

    # embed colour
    COLOUR = nextcord.Colour.blurple()

    def get_command_signature(self, command: commands.core.Command):
        """Retrieves the signature portion of the help page."""
        return f"{self.context.clean_prefix}{command.qualified_name} {command.signature}"

    async def send_bot_help(self, mapping: dict):
        """implements bot command help page"""
        prefix = self.context.clean_prefix
        invoked_with = self.invoked_with
        embed = nextcord.Embed(title="Bot Commands", colour=self.COLOUR)
        embed.description = (
            f'Use "{prefix}{invoked_with} command" for more info on a command.\n'
            f'Use "{prefix}{invoked_with} category" for more info on a category.'

        # create a list of tuples for the page source
        embed_fields = []
        for cog, commands in mapping.items():
            name = "No Category" if cog is None else cog.qualified_name
            filtered = await self.filter_commands(commands, sort=True)
            if filtered:
                # \u2002 = en space
                value = "\u2002".join(f"`{prefix}{}`" for c in filtered)
                if cog and cog.description:
                    value = f"{cog.description}\n{value}"
                # add (name, value) pair to the list of fields
                embed_fields.append((name, value))

        # create a pagination menu that paginates the fields
        pages = HelpButtonMenuPages(
            source=HelpPageSource(self, embed_fields),
        await pages.start(self.context)

    async def send_cog_help(self, cog: commands.Cog):
        """implements cog help page"""
        embed = nextcord.Embed(
            title=f"{cog.qualified_name} Commands",
        if cog.description:
            embed.description = cog.description

        filtered = await self.filter_commands(cog.get_commands(), sort=True)
        for command in filtered:
                value=command.short_doc or "...",
            text=f"Use {self.context.clean_prefix}help [command] for more info on a command."
        await self.get_destination().send(embed=embed)

    async def send_group_help(self, group: commands.Group):
        """implements group help page and command help page"""
        embed = nextcord.Embed(title=group.qualified_name, colour=self.COLOUR)
            embed.description =

        if isinstance(group, commands.Group):
            filtered = await self.filter_commands(group.commands, sort=True)
            for command in filtered:
                    value=command.short_doc or "...",

        await self.get_destination().send(embed=embed)

    # Use the same function as group help for command help
    send_command_help = send_group_help

class HelpCog(commands.Cog, name="Help"):
    """Displays help information for commands and cogs"""

    def __init__(self, bot: commands.Bot):
        self.__bot = bot
        self.__original_help_command = bot.help_command
        bot.help_command = NewHelpCommand()
        bot.help_command.cog = self

    def cog_unload(self):
        self.__bot.help_command = self.__original_help_command

def setup(bot: commands.Bot):